Friday, October 22, 2010

Super Simple Mexican Rice

What's Mexican food with out some rice huh? I tried out this recipe and served it with the tacos on my previous post. I was really impressed how simple this ended up being, and the flavor was great....much better than those icky Rice A Roni packages.

1 1/2 cups rice
1 15 oz can of vegetable broth
1 cup plain tomato sauce(if you don't have tomato sauce, tomato soup works just as well)
3 cloves finely chopped or minced garlic
1/4 of a medium onion
2 tablespoons oil

In a medium sauce pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add in the fresh garlic and onion. Saute for 1-2 minutes until softened. Add in dry rice. Stir for about 5 minutes until rice becomes a golden brown color.

Add in broth and tomato sauce (Slowly into rice, not directly onto hot pan). Stir it up and bring to a boil. Once it starts boiling, turn the heat to low and cover. Let it simmer for 20 minutes and fluff with a fork.

Original Recipe from

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